This is a teenage movie. The story is simple, and like a boy's band, cute faces are everywhere. One of them is Shailene Woodley, who played quite well in this movie.

The story is about our world which after world disaster the community is ruled by government which is very protective and selective to the citizens. All citizens has to chose in which community class they would be. The class are like, warrior, scientist, lawyers, and worker, anyway I don't remember them all. And the selection is decided by doing exam to all of fresh mature citizens. They will be tested using a device like hypnotizing tools, so they can see what the reaction they take in their mind when they are facing the test, and they can see inside their unconscious mind. By that they will decide which community they will fit in.

But, they are a kind of special case that some people just can not be hypnotized. It means that even when they were in the machine they will still conscious and realize that it's not real. This case called divergent, which Tris (Shailene) is one of it. The government don't like divergent, if they know about this they will haunt and killed them, and Tris is lucky because the nurse who testing her told her about it, so Tris can learn how to acted like other who is not. In some test finally some of the guard knew about it, Four, but he also apparently a divergent too. So they both just keep like 'normal' for their life, and try to found out what's going on.

And, finally there was a riot and looked like some faction in government was trying to make a coup to the government. They hypnotized all of the citizens to fight on their side, so this is the idea why they don't like divergent. Because they can't controlled them using their hypnotizing machine and drug. Well, that's the idea of the story, for the moral maybe you can try to figure it out yourself, maybe this is about democracy and the non-divergent is communism, that can be driven anywhere they want.

Stars : Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet
Rated :


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