I don't know why, now days there are many films is using time travel idea for it main plot. Not that I hate it, in fact I like it a lot. Because, even though it's not make sense, but your idea is limitless. You can explore the story to anywhere you like without have to consider the flow of the story because you can always jump to anytime to make it make sense.
In this X-Men : Days of Future Past, the story is about the time when mutants are in war with the humans. And that time, somehow, mutants are cornered and about to vanished, because human is capable to create a machine or creature, I don't know what to name it, which can defeat those mutants quiet easily.
Human has engineered a kind of robot, which can adapt to the power of each mutant it facing. So no matter the mutant has capability or power, the robot will adjust its power to turn it back as their weapon. It can transform into ice, fire, or anything those mutants can turn into. And they are many of them, so the mutants are about to lose the war.
In this situation, Charles and Eric, who are usually enemies, has put their power together to avoid disaster to their race. So, after discussion, they realized that the way to avoid this is by return to the past before this thing is created, to protect this from happening.
The time travel itself is then done by Logan, since the 'soul journey' is far behind the time, and could damage somebody's brain. And since Logan has the ability to recover himself so fast, then there he goes. Well, make sense.
And the challange is to meet the your Eric and Charles which was young stubborn mutant back then, while the idea is to persuade Mystique, not to kill the scientist who first has the idea to built a mutant destroyer robot. This is tricky part. This scientist is inspired to built this robot to eliminate mutant community, but since the government did not agree to sign the bill to destroy these mutants since they can live in peace together. In the other hand, Mystique thought that by killing this scientist, the project will be canceled, which actually been proven that by that killing, it even urge government to built this robot, so it's been contradictive. And even worse that government can mix gen from Mystique to make those robot adapt to mutants ability, since Mystique has the ability to transform to any kind of creature she wants to.
Well, so Logan, has to convince young Charles, to ask Mystique not to kill the scientist to avoid this history from happening. One that I don't quiet understand is, why Logan also has to get Eric involved? I didn't see any advantage of having him in this movie but only trouble.
Anyway, that's the role, and this movie quiet entertaining though.
Staring : Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman
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